The Process of Progress
For my first blog post I struggled with what idea I should tackle. Many things come to mind but this one is probably the most important and one of the greatest challenges I face in working with clients. I like to call it the process of progress.
Essentially, the process of progress is the psychology of getting into a new lifestyle and the feelings and emotions associated with trying to work towards your goals.
Often when we start something new, we are successful because it is different, exciting, and we envision it bringing us to our goals. This is what happens with people early in an exercise and nutrition routine change, there is usually a lot of buy-in and commitment.Once the novelty of something new wears off, this is where we typically see a drop off. The reality of the challenge sets in, the realization that change will not come fast; this can have a detrimental affect on your outlook.
At this point it is important to understand that although the end goals we set are great, it is also the journey to get us there that must be enjoyed as well. If you want to lose 60 lbs and you lose 5 lbs per month it is going to take you a year to accomplish that goal. By 2 months of significant change you will still have 50 lbs to go, how do you feel? Often getting caught up in the numbers has a way of clouding the fact you may have become more educated on your body and how it works, reduced your stress, had more energy for your family, learned more about nutrition or discovered more about what motivates you in life. This is the process and the things you accomplish in that process that you may miss.
This really only touches on the topic but it gives you a good idea of how to begin to be at peace with the idea of progress in its different shapes and forms. Exercise and nutrition is forever and the process is constant. In that journey, pay attention to every single thing you accomplish and you will become more fulfilled.